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Cheezy Horseradish Sauce

Why is horseradish beneficial for our gut?

Horseradish originated in Europe as a relative of a west Asian cabbage. As a root vegetable, it has a strong pungent flavor. Typically it is used as a flavor enhancer or side condiment, but recent research is revealing the ancient medicinal properties that have been used for thousands of years. This new research is also revealing that this root vegetable is a fantastic functional food, and actually has phytochemicals that are beneficial for a large number of the diseases.

Horseradish is a wonderful source of nutrients such as calcium, iron, and even vitamin C! In fact, the vitamin C content in a horseradish root can be even 2 times higher than that of many citrus fruits! Along with the high vitamin C content in horseradish, its antioxidants help produce and stimulate white blood cell activity, which are crucial to a strong immune system.

Consider trying horseradish next time instead of an orange or kiwi to get some vitamin C! Most of the benefits that have been found in these wonderful roots come from compounds known as glucosinolates that are broken down to isothiocyanates, which provide antibacterial properties against food-born pathogens (food poisoning) as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. To make it even more enticing, just one tablespoon of this root has 0.5 grams of fiber!

Though horseradish may provide plenty of benefits, it is important to use this vegetable in small amounts as too much can lead to coughing as it may irritate the mouth and nasal passage. This root also has a high enzyme content that can help stimulate digestion and minimize constipation (a wonderful benefit for those that struggle with IBS-C or methane predominant SIBO). Note however, this pungent root vegetable may cause discomfort for those with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), so it may not be a good idea to consume until inflammation has decreased.

Ways to eat it

  • Grate the root to use as a condiment for a touch of spice.

  • Add a small amount to avocado sushi rolls.

  • Combine with hummus.

  • Add it to pickled vegetables!

Try this Cheesy Horseradish Sauce recipe from Holy Cow Vegan! It can be used on some air-fried potatoes, zucchini or even eggplants and lentil pasta!

Recipe: Cheezy Horseradish Sauce

Ingredients (Makes 4 Servings):

  • 1 cup raw cashews

  • 1 cup water

  • 1/2 tsp onion powder

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/2 cup nutritional yeast

  • salt to taste

  • 1-2 tsp horseradish


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

  2. For the horseradish, just add a little at a time to determine how much works for you.

  3. Enjoy with some baked zucchini fries!

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Walters, S. (2021). Horseradish: A Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species for Improving Human

Health. Horticulturae, 7(7), 167. doi:10.3390/horticulturae7070167.

Streit L. Horseradish: Nutrition, Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects. Healthline. Published July 25, 2019. Accessed September 11, 2021.

Romeo, L., Iori, R., Rollin, P., Bramanti, P., & Mazzon, E. (2018). Isothiocyanates: An Overview of Their

Antimicrobial Activity against Human Infections. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 23(3), 624.

WebMD (n.d). Health benefits of horseradish. Nourish by WebMD.

Holy Cow Vegan. (August 16, 2921). Vegan Chili Fries with Cheesy Horseradish Sauce. Holy Cow

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